New Reading Goal

So recently I’ve been trying to branch out my reading taste from just YA into adult fiction. As some of you might know, I read A LOT of teen fiction, and so I’ve been trying to include more adult books into my book diet.

But recently I realised that I only read fiction. During school, this was fine, because I would be reading heavy books on history, political science, gender studies, race theory, and not to mention classics, and so I read fiction to give my brain some relaxation.

But it’s been 2 years since I completed by undergraduate degree, and I’ve been stuck in a fiction rut. The nourishment my brain had been getting from school is non-existent now, and only recently I realised how under-nourished my brain was!

That’s not to say you can’t learn things from fiction; you can. Historical fiction is probably my favourite type of fiction in which I’m constantly learning about the time period and the people. At the same time, I miss being completely immersed in an idea or a concept, and learning about it.

So I’ve made a conscious decision to start reading more non-fiction books, in subjects that interest me. Not to sound like a total nerd, but I love learning, especially about things I have no knowledge of, and so I’m excited to get back into it!

Here are some books that have caught my eye, and that I’m hoping I can pick up soon. ๐Ÿ™‚

Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness

Brain on Fire is a memoir of Susannah Cahalan, a journalist, and the time in her life when her body started attacking her brain, for reasons unknown. Before being hospitalized and strapped to a bed, Susannah was a bright, healthy young woman, with no symptoms of the condition she later developed. She was about to be committed to the psychiatric ward when one doctor saved her life and helped her return to a normal life.

I’m fascinated by the brain, and my little taste of reading about different disorders it can develop inย Pretty Girl-13ย whetted my appetite to learn more.

Delirious Delhi: Inside India's Incredible Capital

Delirious Delhiย is a travel memoir and tells the tale of David Pager and his wife Jenny who move all the way from New York City to Delhi, India and their adventures in a city filled with extremes.

I’ve never read a travel memoir before, but it seems like a good way to learn about a new place, without just reading a fact book. I’ve never been to India, but it is a country that interests me, especially because of my cultural connection. While skimming a few pages of this at work today, I found myself interested in Pager’s experiences with South Asian culture, which had a humorous, but still illuminating tone.

The Secret Rooms: A True Gothic Mystery

The Secret Rooms is a piece of historical non-fiction which looks at the mystery surrounding the death of the Duke of Rutland. He spent his last days in the servants’ quarters of his own house, and nothing anyone said could persuade him to come. After his death, his son sealed the rooms and they remained sealed for 60 years.

Catherine Bailey digs deeper into the Gothic mystery from the 40s to uncover whatย really happened with the Duke of Rutland, and why it was such a big secret.

So those are only 3 titles that I recently became interested in; they fall under 3 very distinct genres, but all sound equally engaging.

Have you read any of the titles above? What are some of your favourite non-fiction books? Do share in the comments, since I’m really trying to branch out!

Thanks for reading,


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  1. Natalie says:

    The Secret Rooms sounds really interesting!! Ever since I finished Uni I’ve been trying to feed my brain with the occasional non-fiction read too. My most recent favourite was The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I only took up to grade 11 biology, but this book completely blew my mind and my perception of science! Sooo good! The next non fiction book I plan on reading is In the Garden of Beasts. It’s about World War II and I’ve only heard great things about it! Another good way to give your brain a good kick is documentaries! Searching For Sugar Man, Born Into Brothels, and Cropsey are just some of the documentaries that have blown my mind! My boyfriend and I are also currently obsessed with a tv series on the History Channel called Museum Secrets. It gives you so many random historical facts in each super interesting episode! Definitely check that one out if you get the History Channel! Ok…this comment ended up being WAY longer then I intended, but I guess your post just got me really excited haha!

    PS: Here is a trailer for one of the Museum Secrets episodes haha

    Natalie recently posted…Book Review: Ready Player OneMy Profile

    • Ikhlas says:

      Ooh, that series looks really good, Natalie! I don’t have the History Channel, but I’ve seen episodes of some series online. This one sort of reminds me of a Dan Brown novel, especially since I’m currently reading THE LOST SYMBOL haha.
      Thanks for the recommendations! I’ve heard of the book on Henrietta Lacks…I’ve often seen it in the Science section, but it seemed like it would be a good read. I love biology too!

      I actually don’t watch documentaries, but I definitely see a need to change that soon! Thanks for all the recommendations! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Chelsey says:

    Love this! I completely agree with your desire to read more non-fiction (as you know lol). Brain on Fire is a great book! Terrifying.. but great.
    I’m excited to see how you do with your new venture :)!
    Chelsey recently posted…Classics?My Profile

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