Recipe: Best Ever Banana Bread

Best Ever Banana Bread

So I’m writing this post via my phone on the way to visit my nephew (don’t you just love technology?). Why am I writing this post on the go, you ask? Well I supposed to post this recipe on Sunday, like I said I would in my Friday Things post, but didn’t have time. And then I wanted to post yesterday but spent the majority of the day watching movies with my brother, and didn’t touch my computer all day. -_-

Today I woke up with determination that I would write and post this recipe today if it’s the last thing I would do, but then my mom mentioned that she has a meeting in the city my nephew lives in so I just couldn’t help myself and hopped in the car to visit him. ๐Ÿ˜€

Best Ever Banana Bread

Let’s talk about this banana bread now. When you look at the ingredients and directions of this recipe, there isn’t anything special or complicated about it. Everything is easily found and it takes about fifteen minutes to prepare, ย which makes it one of my family’s favourite recipes.

My dad was gone to Pakistan for a few months, and he came back last week on Tuesday. In honour of him coming back, I made this Banana Bread because a) it’s actually his original recipe, and b) it’s his favourite ‘dessert’. ๐Ÿ˜€

It’s the same as my recipe for Streusal Topped Banana Muffins, but technically this recipe was born first.

Best Ever Banana Bread

Quick to make, this Banana Bread recipe bakes up a moist banana crumb, jam-packed with banana flavour and crunchy pecans. You can easily omit the pecans if you’re not a fan of nuts, and can ย even add 3/4 cup semi sweet chocolate chips. I’ve done both and it’s turned out amazing.

So if you’ve got a bunch of rotting bananas in your house, mush ’em up and make this banana bread! ๐Ÿ™‚

Best Ever Banana Bread


  • 3 or 4 bananas, ripe and mushed
  • 1/3 cup melted butter
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • pinch of salt
  • 11/2 cup flour
  • 3/4 cup pecans or walnuts, chopped


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Grease a loaf pan and set aside.
  2. Mash up your bananas in a large bowl, and then add in the melted butter. Mix in the egg, sugar, and vanilla. Then add in your baking soda and salt, and mix well. Lastly, add the flour and pecans. Do not overmix.
  3. Bake 55 to 60 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cool completely completely before slicing. Store in an airtight container.

Recipe source: Ikhlas Hussain.

The key to making the best banana bread, I’ve learned, is in the ripeness of the bananas. The more ripe (i.e gross looking) they are, the more perfect they are to throw into banana bread. The bananas that you can’t imagine eating anymore, the ones that are so ripe and mushy, are the best ones to bake up, since they incorporate the best into the bread.

My family likes things a little crispy, so I always bake our banana bread for a full hour. While the outside is a little crispy, the inside retains its moistness and softness, because of the over-ripe bananas. My family also love nuts, which means our moist banana bread always has crunchy pecans swirled throughout.

Best Ever Banana Bread

I also love reheating the bread in the microwave, the next day, for ten seconds and then spreading it with a little bit of butter. So bad, but so GOOD. ๐Ÿ˜€

So if you like my Streusal Topped Banana Muffins, then you’ll love this Best Ever Banana Bread. Within minutes the batter comes together, all with readily available ingredients; the only hard part is smelling the lovely scent of the bananas baking up and waiting for it to be done!

Thanks for reading,


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  1. Natalie says:

    Banana bread is probably my dad’s second favourite dessert (my mom’s raison buttertarts are his first). I was at a complete loss as to what to get him for father’s day this weekend, but your post has inspired me to try making him some banana bread! So thanks for the idea haha! This recipe looks delicous!

      • Christina says:

        I second this — seems like all dads DO! My own dad is Vietnamese, a meat-steak-vegetable sort of man, and I was so surprised when I made banana muffins, and he told me how much he loved them. All dads need sweetness and sustenance in their lives Thank you for this recipe, I currently have the bread baking in the oven in a circular pan right now! โค๏ธ

  2. kesheroo says:

    PERFECT TIMING! I too have been cultivating a batch of gross black bananas in my cupboard farm but my mom doesn’t get it. Great share!!
    (PS Do you use eva’ vanilla extract? What kind?) Hope your back2school is marvellous!!

    • Ikhlas says:

      Thanks, Keshi! I really hope you can make a loaf and let me know how it turns out! ๐Ÿ™‚
      And yes, I use vanilla extract. Normally, I get the Kirkland one from Costco which is supposedly ‘authentic’. lol

    • Ikhlas says:

      Banana bread tends to take up to an hour, so just keep an eye on it around the 50 minutes. Check for doneness by inserting a toothpick in the center; if it’s done, take it out. If not, keep in for another 5 minutes which should finish it up before the top gets crispy. Hope that helps!

    • Mucevher says:

      Afther 50 minit of baking cover the cake whith alimunion paper. I made this cake many time’s and I divide it butter two pan and bake it. Thank you to Ikhlashussain. It’s very good receip.

    • Joanie says:

      Make it one day, let it cool completely. Then Wrap it very well in plastic wrap Overnight! The next day, it will have gotten nice & moist due to the fact it’s so nice & moist inside.
      Oh, it’s really great with cream cheese spread on it. Or, be piggy….read it thick & add another slice on top! Wahoo!…a nice Banana Bread Sandwich…lol……YUMMY!!!
      Joanie in Texas

  3. Tina says:

    Fantastic recipe! Have you ever added maraschino cherries to the recipe? I’d you’re a chocolate lover, you can also add chocolate chips. After you put the batter in the pans, you can place cherry halves on top…three rows 1 inch apart to make the loaves look a little fancier. It is fun to play with recipes. This is the best banana bread recipe I have tried…thanks for sharing it!

    • Ikhlas says:

      Thanks Tina! I often add chocolate chips to this recipe too…makes it so much yummier! I’m personally not a fan of maraschino cherries, but thanks for the tip. ๐Ÿ™‚ And I’m so glad you enjoyed this recipe!

    • Ikhlas says:

      I’m sorry to hear that ๐Ÿ™ I’m not sure what could have happened; I make this recipe all the time and it usually takes about an hour and comes out well-cooked.

  4. Katie says:

    I have tried quite a few banana bread recipes in my day, and this is my favorite. It doubles well and the wet/dry ratios are forgiving if you have a little more this and a little less that. My only change, I almost double the nuts. But we’re a nut loving bunch, so I never get any complaints. Otherwise, I find the recipe is spot on. Well done!

    • Ikhlas says:

      I’m so glad to hear this! Hahah I love nuts too (and so does my family) so I usually just eyeball the nuts and stop when I think it’s enough. ๐Ÿ˜›
      Thanks for the feedback ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Rose says:

    I make this recipe twice already as per hubby’s persistent demand lol!! truly this recipe is wowww and its true the ripen the banana is the best banana cake you’ll have in your table. Thanks for making this recipe simple and delicious.

  6. Maryam says:

    assalamo aleikom sis
    your banana bread is the most lovely recipe of this kind i tasted
    thanks for your post
    and the best from me
    muslimah from venezuela

  7. Cindy Wong says:

    Thanks for the recipe! I have made it a few times and I currently have a loaf in the oven. My family loves it!

  8. Dianne says:

    Sounds good! I’ve got some over ripe bananas so I am going to make banana bread now. I’ll let you know how it comes out. Thank you for your recipe. God bless!

  9. Francis says:

    delighted with this recipe. For English people it is helpful to specify “self-raising” flour (unless it should have been “plain” flour). The advice is comprehensive. I couldn’t resist adding a smidgeon of cinnamon and on the second try have used Stevia instead of sugar. THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS WITH US.

  10. Diane Levy says:

    Incredible recipe!
    Instead of the nuts I put some chocolate chips … the cake last 5 mn top chrono lol Everybody loved it so much.
    thank you so much

  11. Lanelle says:

    Hi..Im ready to make this. Iโ€™ve been wanting banana bread for a couple weeks nowโ€ฆ In your recipe, what does it mean for โ€” 11/2 cup flour? โ€” Is that supposed to be 1 1/2 cups? Please respond quickly as I want to make it today or tomorrowโ€ฆ Thanks

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