Mini Book Reviews

Wow, another week has gone by since my last update. Sorry!

I’ve yet to receive my computer from these mysterious repairs, and so have been pretty useless/lazy this whole week. Well, that’s not completely true. I’ve planned a party today for all the new friends I made during the convention, and as you all I know, I love planning things, so this small event has been all I’ve been working on this whole week.

And what does this have to do with this blog? Well, I’ll be sharing some new recipes with you all finally (I know, right?), so that’s got to be somewhat exciting. šŸ™‚

Anywho, over the past few weeks I haven’t had the greatest luck with books, since many of them just weren’t holding my attention. But the few that did, I wanted to do a mini review for. So here goes.

The Book of Blood and Shadow

As some of you might remember, I was extremely excited to read The Book of Blood and ShadowĀ because of all the amazing reviews it got. This book had been heralded as a teen The Da Vinci Code, and that’s exactly what it was. Chock full of mystery and suspense, betrayal and heartbreak, Wasserman took her readers on a tour of Prague in attempts to solve a centuries-old secret. Given the fast-paced nature of this story, the ending was the biggestĀ disappointment. It is unclear whether there will be a sequel or a series, but regardless of that, there were just way too many questions and uncertainties at the end for me to be completely happy with it. So that’s why I give it a rating of 3.5Ā out of 5.

I've Got Your Number

Reviewing Sophie KInsella’s latest I’ve Got Your NumberĀ makes me a bit sad. I’m a big Sophie Kinsella fan; I fell in love with Shopaholic back in grade 12, and kept reading her during the depressing drudgery of university, when I needed something light and fun. I’ve laughed and loved every single one of her books, except for The Undomestic Goddess. Unfortunately, this book joins the ranks of that one.

There was actually nothing wrong with this title; it had all the makings of a Kinsella classic: a bumbling heroine, a suave and confident hero, and oodles of misunderstandings and lies. But what this story was missing was heart. There was a lot of potential, but I felt that Kinsella just didn’t deliver. I kept waiting for the funny to start, for my heart to be engaged, but I managed to finish the book more out of loyalty to Kinsella than out of love for the book. šŸ™

Last year in my Creative Book Publishing Program, we learned that you can tell when a book is being sold by the merit of the author rather than the work when the author’s name takes over most of the space on the cover. And this is most definitely true here. I’m not sure whether this is a case of KInsella getting too big, but I’ll still try her next book, even after my lukewarm reaction to this one. So that’s why I give it 2.5Ā out of 5.

The Little Lady Agency

The Little Lady AgencyĀ read like a Sophie Kinsella book, except it wasn’t. There’s been a surge of these types of books recently, but this one stands out as a funny and heartwarming addition to the chick-lit family.

In true chick-lit fashion, Browne’s book features a cute, but naive heroine, a heartthrob hero, and a whole slew of funny and cute scenarios. Melissa’s adventures as ‘Honey’, the blond bombshell character she becomes to run her agency, are hilarious, yet also showcase Melissa’s insecurities about herself.

As usual though, the fast-paced excitement of the story sort of peters out by the end, and I found myself slightly annoyed by Melissa’s constantĀ negativity. There were so many ways her problems could have been solved, and so the story just got dragged on unnecessarily for 50 pages. So that’s why I give it a 4Ā out of 5.

All righty, this took me a lot longer to write than I thought it would. It probably had something to do with Goodreads distracting me…

Hopefully I’ll be back sooner than last time, so I can share some chocolate covered goodies with you šŸ™‚

Also, to any new followers of this please, PLEASE click the follow button at the bottom of the screen, on the right hand side. This way you’ll save oodles of time by not having to search up my website and checking to see if I have a new post or not, since the post’s will be directly delivered to your inbox! šŸ™‚

Thanks for reading,


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Remember Me?

If you just said no, I honestly can’t blame you. If you were me and I was you and you hadn’t updated this blog thingy in more than 2 weeks, I would have long-moved on to other, more exciting blog-thingys.

But since you’ve stayed on, thanks so much! So, how are you? Me, I’m all right.

This post has been in the works for exactly one week now, since last Monday and my convention duties finished and I returned to the world of the living. But as usual, real life intervened and then my computer got taken away for battery-induced stress, so this post has been delayed even more than usual.

I honestly can’t believe that the convention is over, and that more than a week has passed by since it began. Remember how I couldn’t imagine what things would be like after the convention? How I couldn’t imagine life after it? Well, somehow it’s managed to move on, but not without a few tears and nostalgic sighs from me and my fellow-volunteers.

To sum the four months and three days into one word, it was AMAZING. At times, I couldn’t imagine everything falling into place and happening, but it somehow did. At times, I wanted to crawl into a hole and cry and cry, which I did. At times, I just wanted it to be over, but when it was, I was sad.

Last weekend was like running a marathon for me, while juggling flaming knives, while riding a unicycle. (How’s that for some imagery?) I’ve already mentioned that I love being busy and feeling stressed out, but this took it to a whole other level. It was funny (or now it seems funny), but I’d be dealing with one crisis at any given time, when ten others would crop up and need my immediate attention. I was running around the whole weekend in this kind of mad craze that I’m sort of bored without it.

That’s not to say that it was all fun and a laugh. There were meltdowns, there were tears, there were harsh words, and sleepless nights all around.

Speaking of sleepless nights, I just want to proudly confess that I pulled my first all-nighter! And yes, I’m serious; I’ve never pulled an all-nighter before. Not in high school or in university. That’s just not how I function. And the whole world should be glad, since I’m not the nicest when I haven’t slept well.

But for some weird reason, my body just ran with it. Usually when I haven’t slept properly, my eyes start closing and I start feeling dizzy with the need to sleep. But not this time. I think it was the adrenaline, but I just kept plowing through, solving crisis after crisis. Now that I survived a string of all-nighters, I’ll be able to tell my future children about something other than my obsessive compulsiveness with organization and punctuality. ^_^

The best part of the convention though were all the people, old and new, that I met. Some of them I felt like I’d known my whole life, even though I’d only met them hours before, and others became solid sources of support and comfort. Some people, I’d known before the convention, like my good friend Zainab G. We were friends from school and we hung out a lot too, but when the stress of the planning escalated and things got heated, we grew even closer, and that’s something I’m so grateful for.

I guess stress can either cause tension or increase love, and for me, it just increased the love I had for my team members and created bonds between us that wouldn’t have been possible in regular situations. I know this because I take awhile to warm up to people (and by ‘awhile’, I mean it can take me months), so this was an amazing experience.

When it was over, I felt like I was emerging from some sort of trance. I hadn’t had access to internet for the four days I had been at the convention, so I had noĀ idea what had happened in the world in those four days. I barely saw my family, even though they were attending the convention, or breathed fresh air. On Monday, when my brothers came to pick me up, I commented on how nice the weather was, and my brother was like, “Uhhh, it was nice all weekend.” But I had no idea, since I barely stepped outside!

Writing this now, a week on the date I came home from the hotel, seems weird. Sometimes it feels like the whole weekend was a dream, as I ask myself and my fellow volunteers, “Did we actually do that? Did we actually plan a convention that was attended by more than a thousand people?” It’s hard to believe that the answer is yes.

So what’s next? My fellow coordinators and I are already working on next year’s convention! Burt we’re trying to take it slow, to give ourselves some time to recover.

This whole week I’ve been at work, since I’ve been picking up extra shifts here and there since I had booked over the four days of the convention. I’m also spending more time with my family, since I was practically ignoring them in the few weeks before the convention. This weekend, my mom and I watched three episodes pf Downton Abbey, the DVD set which I bought for her for mother’s day. And it felt so nice to just lie on the couch, with nothing due or pending.

Well…maybe that’s not true. I’ve got so much work piled up, since I’ve been neglecting everything in the past weeks, that that I need to catch up on, like for example, ahem, that book.

Speaking of that ‘book’, I am unfortunately woefully behind. šŸ™ And because my computer’s off to get repaired, I can’t jump back into it, like I had imagined I would, since I’m a creature of habit and I wouldn’t be able to write on any other machine. Silly, I know, but there you have it.

I can also wholeheartedly throw myself into vacation planning! Some of might remember my over-enthusiastic announcement about this impending vacation, several weeks ago and all thought I was leaving in April. I wasn’t. I’m leaving at the end of June, less than one month from today, and can now plan to my heart’s content, without anyone to tell me to ‘calm down’. Ahem.

For books, I haven’t been reading as much, but that’s not because I’ve been busy, since I physically can’t sleep until I read something, no matter how tired I am, but because everything I’ve been reading has been a dud. I’ve abandoned a few books in the past few weeks, which I hateĀ doing, but they just weren’t keeping my attention. I’ll try to do a post tomorrow on a bunch of them, a set of mini reviews.

Anyway, this post is kind of becoming a ramble now, but I wanted to do a post-convention one, to catch you all up. That is if any of you are still left šŸ˜›

Thanks so much for your patience, sweet comments, and always, thanks for reading,


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Recipe: Triple Chocolate Chunk and Peanut Butter Cookies

Do you ever go through a period in life when everything seems to revolve around one thing, and one thing, only? And all your thoughts, all your energies are directed to this one thing, and everything in your life has been put on hold until afterĀ this THING? No? Well, let me tell you about it then…

This convention that I’m volunteering for has officially taken over my life. My whole life (at this point) centers around May 18th, 19th, and 20th. Does my life continue after this weekend? Apparently so, but I have no idea what I’ll be doing after. Who I’ll be.

Anytime anyone asks me to do something, I answer “AFTER THE CONVENTION!”

“Want to go shopping?”


“When will you go to the dentist?”


“I need to finish writing this book!”

“AFTER THE CONVENTION” (this is obviously me talking to me…just in case you were confused)

“When will you clean up your room, brush your teeth, change your clothes?”


Okay, maybe not the last one, but you get the point. I’ve been given shifts for work the week after the convention, but when I look at them in my agenda, I just sort of stare blankly, not quite sure what the world will be like AFTER THE CONVENTION.

Good thing for these cookies, though. Continue reading →

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Hijabi Girl Problems: Three Quarter Sleeves

*A hijabi is a girl who wears hijab.

For the majority of people reading this blog, or even for the majority of people in general, three quarter sleeves are not a cause of distress. They are not a source of daily torture, of fashion suicide. They’re just an option.

But for hijabis, three quarter sleeves are THE worst.

She doesn’t seem too happy with them either…

When I was young(er) and before I became a hijabi (8 years now!), three quarter sleeves were just another sleeve option that I could go for. Short sleeves, three quarters and then the dreaded full sleeves.

Obviously after choosing to wear the hijab, I ditched all the short and half sleeves. That part was easy. But three quarters? It was difficult to traverse the murky waters of three quarters fabric and one quarter bare arm.

For the longest time, I pretended that those edges reached my wrist, like they were supposed to do. I squinted my eyes when looking down at my bare wrist and the two inches of skin that caught my eye when typing madly or gesticulating even more wildly. Oh, is that bare skin? Whoops, guess my sleeves shrunk in the wash!

Suffice it to say, I recently decided to ditch the three quarter sleeves as forms of covering my arms. It’s full sleeves or nothing, baby!

But dresses are tough. According to my research, they’re very rarely made with full sleeves. This doesn’t bug me though, because the less fabric bunching up my arms under my cardigan or over my long-sleeved t-shirt, the better! At least the extra fabric won’t cause my arms to look like elephant trunks.

This is why I have noĀ problem whatsoever with sleeveless, spaghetti straps and short sleeves. I’m just going to cover them up anyway!

But three quarters? They’re just pure evil.

For one thing, if you try to wear a cardigan over them, the fabric bunches all up, creating some sort of traffic jam of oranges inside your sweater sleeve. Forget the camera adding ten pounds, those bunched up sleeves are capable of doing that. Last time I checked, no one likes to walk around with oranges stuffed up their sweater sleeves, which is exactly what this look gives you.

And then there’s the other option, wearing a long-sleeve t-shirt under. Works well with sleeveless and spaghetti straps; should work well with three quarters, right? WRONG.

Unlike with sleeveless or spaghetti straps, you don’t have a uniform arm. You’ve got three quarters of lovely fabric and then a quarter of gross cotton t-shirt, which ruins the whole look of the dress. So instead of the dress looking pretty and fun, like it’s supposed to, you look like you’re going to the circus with all the different fabrics.

Can you imagine ruining this with hideous cotton t-shirt sleeves?!

Thus, it is with a heavy heart (not), that I’ve decided completely against them. I can’t think of any plausible solution to this highly distressing conundrum, short of chopping the sleeves off and pretending that messy, jagged look is exactlyĀ the look I was going for in sleeves.

I had already banished them from my closet once in the way of sweaters and shirts, but they’ve been trying to gain entry in the form of dresses. Sneaky things.

If any of you have some sort of solution to this irritating problem, feel free to comment below and let me know! Because I really want this dress.

Thanks for reading,


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Review: Kill Me Softly

Kill Me SoftlyMirabelle’s parents died when she was a baby, and she has grown up with half-truths, courtesy of her two godmothers. But a week before her sixteenth birthday, Mira is sick of the secrecy and lies and runs away to Beau Rivage, the place where her parents died and the one place her godmothers have forbidden her to visit.

But things aren’t exactly what they seem in Beau Rivage, which Mira discovers as she treks the uncanny city alone. Here, curses blossom before her eyes and fairy tale friends make herĀ acquaintance.

Before she knows it, Mira is the star in her own fairy tale, trapped in a curse that’s older than she is. As the heroine of a fairy tale, Mira is caught between two brothers, Felix and Blue, who both vie for her heart, as she follows a story that seems to have been written with an (unhappy) ending already. Continue reading →

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