So I’ve just finished marathoning my latest obsession on Netflix, a 10 episode documentary on food and travel called Girl Eat World, and just had to share how awesome it was! If you love food or travel or BOTH this is the show for you. It beautifully combines both to deliver a fun, clever, and…
Tag: recommendation
Request for Book Recommendations
So I’m kind of in a bit of a book slump lately. Despite enjoying my last few reads (An Abundance of Katherines and Illuminate), there have been many more in between that I’ve abandoned because I just couldn’t get into them. I never used to abandon books in the middle of reading them, but lately, nothing…
Some books I CAN’T wait to read!
So this year there’s a lot of cool books come out. And of course they’re YA, what else would they be?! Ok, I admit I need to graduate from the YA genre, but I can’t seem to help myself. There’s just so many good (sounding) books coming out, I just keep getting pulled back in….
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer
I just wanted to remind everyone that a new YA novel by first-time author Michelle Hodkin, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, this Tuesday September 27th, 2011. In the summer, I had the immense pleasure of reading the ARC of this debut YA novel and fell in love with the first line. Check out my review…
Muslim Fashionistas: My Amethyst’s Shea Rasol
When researching for my Muslim Fashionistas paper in my 3rd year Islam and Modernity class, I discovered Shea’s blog My Amethyst. Instead of feeling like I was doing homework, I researched happily, discovering the different ways that Muslim girls dressed, hijabis and non-hijabis alike, around the world. After stumbling upon Shea’s blog in…