So I’ve spent the past few weeks rereading one of my all-time favourite series (Princess Diaries), and it got me thinking about all the other books about princesses I love or have loved since I was a kid. So I decided to make a list of it, and share with you some of my favourite…
Category: Book Banter
Year in Review: Books in 2013
This year was a strange one for books. Originally I aimed to read 100 books on my Goodreads challenge. When my life turned upside down because of school, I changed it to 90 books. Then when it became clear I wasn’t going to be able to read 90 books, I changed it to 85, and…
You know you love a book when…
You contemplate driving through rush-hour traffic with your book perched on the steering wheel, since you can’t bear to part from it, and are even willing to get a ticket if it means you can just read another page. You think about it all day, counting down the hours until you’re finally free to read…
Stories and Tales Tag
Hi. So I totally didn’t intend to take such a long break from blogging, but as usual life intervened. -_- I’ve been meaning to blog everyday for the past week, but something or other comes up, and usually homework takes precedence. I’m feeling quite burnt out, and unfortunately this long Thanksgiving weekend was not as…
A to Z Bookish Survey
Let’s talk books! I saw this survey on my friend Chelsey‘s blog recently, and decided to give it a go. Like, Chelsey, I’ve been a bit stuck on what to blog about, other than book reviews and recipes, so I decided to switch things up a bit today. 🙂 Hope you enjoy! Author you’ve read the…