
Hi there.

So. It’s been awhile. Sorry about that.

Wow, life has become increasingly crazy over the past few weeks. I wish it was crazy in a way that was exciting and fun to share, but unfortunately it was crazy in the way of waking up-commuting to Toronto-going to school-commuting back home- attempting to make a dent in a truck load of homework-going to bed and doing it all over again. And then the last week it switched to waking up-driving to Toronto-doing my practical teaching-driving home-attempting to make a dent in lesson planning-going to bed and then doing it all over again. So you see, not so exciting after all. 🙁

Things were so hectic that up until recently, I didn’t even have time to read anymore. And that’s when I knew things were bad…when I wasn’t reading. I think I fell behind on my Goodreads challenge by 6 or 7 books. But! I started reading again and have enjoyed a few of them. At first, I felt like I was behind on posting my reviews, and wondered when I’d ever catch up. But now, I’ve figured that I’m going to do a big post of mini reviews of all the interesting ones I’ve read recently. As much as I love reading books, I also love talking about them, and I’ve really missed doing that in the past 2 months.

I haven’t been baking that much recently; or if I do bake, it’s old favourites that I’m craving. Nothing new or exciting, unfortunately. My diet has gone out the window as well, from stress, and I’m trying SO hard to get back on track. But it’s hard. My natural response to stress is to consume sugar and carbs, and it’s been really hard to resist, especially when I’m doing on my practical training in a grade 2 classroom and was there on Halloween. Oops…

The weather in Toronto has been so bipolar. It started to get quite chilly in the middle of October, and I actually took out my winter coat. After a few days of freezing in my thin Fall coats, I decided to whip out the winter jacket. I may have looked funny, but I was warm! But then it got warm again, and now I think it’s back to being cold. All I’ve been craving is a giant mug of my homemade Hot Cocoa (so rich and dreamy!) and curling up on the couch to watch Downton Abbey, but it hasn’t been cold enough and nor have I had any free time. Today the time changes so we get one more hour of sleep. Woohoo! I can definitely use it. 😀

Anyways, that’s it for me…hope you’re all doing well!

As always, thanks for reading. 🙂


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