Hi guys!
I just wanted to do a quick post on the books I received this week. You might have noticed that I haven’t really been updating lately, except for book reviews, and for that I’m sorry. There’s so much I want to show you guys (arts, crafts, the skirt I made and more!) but I haven’t been feeling well for the past few days, and now I’m full out sick. š I’ve almost lost my voice, which totally sucks, but am hoping I can bounce back soon!
Anyways here are the books I got this week:
I entered to win this book awhile ago on Razorbill, and received the book 2 days ago! I was surprised when I opened the package, since I was expecting another book, but was happy to see this one regardless.
I’ve heard lots of good and bad things about this book, so I’m eager to see if any of the rumours are true. From what I’ve heard, its a sad book so I’m going to wait until I’m in a certain mood for this one.
Another one that I’ve heard lots of things about; my interest in this one has slightly waned, but since it took me soĀ long to get, I figure I might as well read it.
I’ve been trying to get my hands on this for so long now! My friend Chelsey read it and loved it awhile ago, and I searched high and low for it in several local Indigos but never found it. But finally my hold came in! Can’t wait to be thoroughly spooked š
Before I DieĀ has been compared to books like Before I FallĀ and If I Stay, both which I absolutely loved. I’ve been warned that this is another sad one, so I’ve gotta be in the right mood for this one too.
This one sounds like a light, quick read, which might be a relief after all the sad ones I’ve got!
I’ve been on a big YA contemporary binge lately, and so this one was recommended to me by Goodreads.
I love this cover; its so cute! Another YA contemp, which also sounds cute and fluffy.
I love reading books that take place over summer, especially reading them in the middle of a cold and dreary winter. And this one seems like it’ll be perfect.
Whew! That was a lot of books. I’ve been trying to write a lot more these days, so hopefully I’ll be able to finish them all within the three week period.
I also recently finished Under the Never SkyĀ so look out for my review of that soon. š
Thanks for reading!
Eeeeeee!! You got ANNA DRESSED IN BLOOD! I am SO excited for you to read that one. It was AWESOME!! ILLUMINATED was one of my most anticipated releases until I read The Story Siren’s review.. she hated it and then it fell off my radar. Man, blogging and Goodreads really do make a change to our reading schedules lol. We always end up dismissing a book when a person whose opinion we value dislikes it, but we also pick up so many things we normally wouldn’t because it gets a good rating or was recommended! I am looking forward to seeing your opinion and how it differs from hers!
I also got a copy of John Green so we can read them around the same time and discuss! Maybe we can meet for coffee to discuss.. and I have a big bag of books for you. I added a bunch. Anything you don’t want, you can give away or donate or something like that =). There are… quite a few lol.
Anyways, great post! Love these kinds of posts =)! Lets me know what I can expect to read from you in terms of reviews!