I always thought growing older meant growing wiser. But today I have learned that by growing older, my heart has grown smaller, and my sins have grown larger. I always thought that when I grew older the sun would be brighter, that the stars would be shinier. But now I can’t help but…
Tag: writing
You and your parents are late. I tear a Kleenex to bits in my hands as I wait, my stomach a sea of unease, as sea monsters claw at my insides. My dad paces by the door, mumbling under his breath. As far as first impressions go, it isn’t a good one. Finally the doorbell…
New Beginnings
Today marks the day that I started sending out query letters to agents asking them to represent my manuscript Aisha. I got the idea for Aisha almost 2 years ago now. It took me about a year to actually write the story down, after a few months of brainstorming and procrastinating. Then after the story was done in…
A New Look…Again
For those of you who have been around for awhile, you might be thinking you’ve changed the site AGAIN. Didn’t you just change the look of the blog not too long ago?! And you’d be right. I did change the look of this blog not too long ago, and it does seem too soon to…
It’s Been Awhile
So it’s been awhile since I’ve done a post on, well, life. I’ll be honest: I’ve been feeling rather blocked about what to post about here on the blog. Initially, when I started this blog, it was an amalgamation of book reviews, book talk, fashion, diy stuff, snippets of writing, and just random ramblings about…