The colour of my skin is brown. It’s not a glamorous shade, one that’s earned by vacationing somewhere exotic and warm. Nor is it acquired by lying outside for leisure by a pool in the sun. It is the colour of my ancestors, a people born and raised in countries down south. It is the…
Tag: writing
Its putrid breath lingers in the air, suffocating me and making my heart beat harder, faster, stronger. It is the heavy barrel of a gun, loaded on my shoulder with bullets the size of life, urging me to go, go, go. Never a moment to lose, never a moment to pause, never a moment to breathe….
The Dilemma
I hold a sheet of ‘Getting to know you’ bingo in my hands. It’s one of those first day of school icebreakers where you have find someone who ‘wears glasses’ or ‘went abroad this summer’ or ‘has siblings’. I don’t mind the icebreaker on its own, but it’s about the third one I’ve done all…
Some say that soulmates are those who love romantically. One who’s soul you share. The one who you can’t imagine your life without. I believe in another kind of soulmate. The kind that comes from a friendship deep and pure, formed over years of petty fights and growing up and becoming mature. The kind…
Somewhere else
Oh how I wish I could be Anywhere but here Somewhere magical Over the rainbows and the butterflies Where darkness lies in defeat My desires have turned to smoke And my whims into ashes Nothing but flashes of memory Nothing glitters but the golden lies The half-told truths Of a youth gone awry Oh how…