So as many of you know, I’m a writer. And not just in the sense of my profession of being a writer, but more in the fact that I like to write things down. A lot. If you know anything about me, I love notebooks! Some might even say I have an obsession with them….
Tag: writing
These Words
These words flutter helplessly against my lips, clamouring to be let out, to be allowed freedom to escape and soar into the wide, wild, world. To sweetly caress and to kiss. To make statements and to solve arguments. To discuss and to delve deeper into issues. But they remain trapped inside of me. They jangle…
Dreamer, not Doer
There is a problem, you see With having too many dreams The sky is alight with birds and planes But you are down below, with too many thoughts in your brain They are boulders in your pockets, birds in your head They weigh you down, and never let you get ahead One was enough, two…
A long time ago
We were the best of friends. You’d follow me everywhere, your pudgy, waddling legs trying to keep up with me. I’d race ahead, sure you would follow. And you did. You wanted to do everything that I did. Wanted everything I wanted. Your innocent smile making me give you all the things you asked for….
The Zoo
We live in gilded cages The sun glinting off the golden spires Crowds rush in and out Trying to find the most attractive attraction We wait, patiently, with baited breath Our hearts pounding silently We wait and we wonder Will this be the day? That we are deemed worthy That we are selected They arrive…