So remember when I recently posted about my intense and crippling fear of failure? About how I am so scared of failing at all the things I love that I don’t even bother trying anyways? Well, I ended up taking a leap and a risk! I recently started posting one of my original stories on…
Tag: writing
New Year, New Look
Hey guys! Hope you all had a happy holiday and a great start to the year. ๐ Since it’s a new year, I figured it was time to update the look of the blog. It’s probably been more than a year since I last changed it and I spent a good 40 minutes today trying…
Growing Up
Unlike the popular movies And the Shakespearean plays Growing up doesn’t happen in a trice It doesn’t give you wings Or make you fly It’s not a magic number that you reach That ends sweet childhood And ushers in ugly adulthood But rather a phase, a pattern A series of life-changing events It happens gradually…
White Chocolate Mocha
It was a cold night. Thick pillows of snow lay in blankets around campus and the air had a stillness about it, right before it’s going to snow again. The sky was clear, but you could tell more snow was coming. It was only five o’clock, but it felt like midnight because of the still…
Are you a still writer if you don’t write?
Hello friends. So this question has been plaguing me for a few weeks now and I still don’t know how to answer it. Are you still considered a writer if you don’t write? Can you still call yourself a writer if it’s been awhile since you’ve written anything worthwhile? Before everything else, the first word…