So recently I’ve been trying to branch out my reading taste from just YA into adult fiction. As some of you might know, I read A LOT of teen fiction, and so I’ve been trying to include more adult books into my book diet. But recently I realised that I only read fiction. During school,…
Tag: books
Friday Things
So I think I’ve FINALLY gotten out of my reading slump, which I’ve been in for quite some time. After tearing through Jogn Green’s Paper Towns last week, a bunch of holds came in all at once. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to finish them all, since I’ve been in such a slump lately, but…
Friday Things
So I’ve been meaning to write this post all day, and only now at 10:50 do I have the chance. But better later than never, right? I’ve been thinking to make ‘Friday Things’ into a regular post, every other Friday, with just some general news and chit-chat. Not sure if I’ll be able to keep…
Request for Book Recommendations
So I’m kind of in a bit of a book slump lately. Despite enjoying my last few reads (An Abundance of Katherines and Illuminate), there have been many more in between that I’ve abandoned because I just couldn’t get into them. I never used to abandon books in the middle of reading them, but lately, nothing…
Why I Reread Books
So I get asked a lot about why I like to reread books. If you’ve read them before, don’t you know the ending and what’s going to happen? What’s the point? I can understand why a lot of people don’t like to reread books, but let me tell you why I LOVE rereading books. …I…