In Nevermore, Isobel Lanley sounds like your typical ‘popular girl’. She’s blond, a cheerleader, and is dating one of the jock’s at school. Her normal world spins out of control when she is paired up with Varen, the school goth and mystery boy, in English class. The pair are presenting on Edgar Allan Poe, and…
Tag: books
Review: Divergent
Veronica Roth’s debut Divergent was marketed as a new Hunger Games, as it too deals with a dystopian future, a future in which sixteen year olds make difficult decisions. Beatrice Prior is one of those sixteen year olds. She lives in a post-apocalyptic Chicago, where society has dissolved all but into five factions. Candor represents the…
Review: This Dark Endeavour
The delicious This Dark Endeavour by Kenneth Oppel is a retelling of the classic Frankenstein story, by Mary Shelley. It tells the story of 16-year old twin brothers, Victor and Konrad, who are adventurers and mischief-makers. They live with their family, the Frankensteins, and their cousin Elizabeth in Frankenstein Chateau, in the city of Geneva. When Konrad…
Book Bonanza
Hi! I just wanted to post a quick post about the books I bought/received from the library this week, because I got a lot. So yesterday I went to Chapters and bought 2 books, one that I’ve heard so many good things about and the other that I’ve been waiting for awhile (you might be able…
Catching up (again)
Hello. How’s it going? So you may or may not have noticed that I’ve been a teeny bit lazy about updating this blog. Its weird, because when I’m in school and am on a schedule, I’m way more on top of things than I am when I’m at home and not doing anything. Very weird….