In Hysteria, Sixteen year old Mallory Murphy killed her boyfriend, Brian, one night, but can’t remember the details. After being let off for defending herself, Mallory tries to return to her regular life, but she can’t. Her best friend’s mother doesn’t want her talking to her, she’s being stalked by Brian’s mother everywhere she goes,…
Tag: book reviews
Review: The Archived
The Archived is a place much like a library. The Librarians demand silence, and are strict with their rules. But instead of books resting on the shelves of The Archived, the dead rest there. Sometimes the dead, also known as Histories, are violent and try to escape, and then’s when Keepers, like Mackenzie, look for…
Review: Boundless
When Clara finally gets to Standford, she doesn’t imagine that she’ll ever have a normal college experience. For one thing, her mother has just passed away and she’s just broken up with Tucker, the love of her life. Oh, and there’s also the fact that she’s part-angel. As Clara tries to adjust to her new…
Review: Cinders and Sapphires
Lady Ava Averly has finally returned to England, after spending 10 years abroad with her family in India. England is a lot different from what she remembers. As her father remarries, Ava has to figure out a place for herself in her new family at Somerton, their family estate. After falling in love with Ravi,…
Review: The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks
Frankie Landau Banks is a typical teen girl at a competitive boarding school. She gets good grades. She is part of the debate club. She spends weekends with her roommate and her boyfriend. She’s a good kid. When Matthew Livingston, the school’s most popular boy, takes note of Frankie, she starts climbing her way to…