Yes, I know! This Hello September is kind of late (17 days late to be exact), but better late than never, right? September always feels like the beginning of Fall, because I always associate it with the beginning of school. Beginning of school=Fall. Especially after Labour Day. But the weather for the past few years…
Learning to Write Again
This past Monday, I began writing my fourth manuscript. The last time I wrote a full length novel or fiction manuscript was in 2011, which was Aisha. Even though I’ve had the idea for this one even before Aisha, it took me more than 5 years to finally get around to writing it. And now that it’s…
Recipe: Salted Nutella Brownies
Hi guys! How crazy good do these brownies look? Even more so because I’m on a crazy intense diet! I know, I know, I’m often on (and off) diets, but things have gotten SERIOUS. For one thing: I’ve started working out. It’s officially been one week since I started Hip Hop Abs, one of Shaun T’s (the…
Review: Harry Potter and The Cursed Child
This is a review that’s been simmering for a few days. It’s also a review that will be filled with spoilers, so if you haven’t read the book yet and you’re planning to, avoid this review! As a huge fan of the series since childhood, I received the news of The Cursed Child with mixed feelings….
Dreams Do Come True
So do you remember when I posted about my crippling fear of failure earlier this year? In it, I told you guys how much I’m scared of failure, so much to the point that I fail to even try certain things. Because I’m so scared I’ll be bad at it or I’ll outright fail. After…