I might have mentioned this already, but I’ve had no cravings during the entire duration of my pregnancy. I’ve still got 2 months to go technically, but I figure if they haven’t shown up during the last 7 months, it’s unlikely for them to show up now… Maybe this is because I used to have…
12 Weeks to Go
Hello everybody ๐ I can’t believe it’s February already! It seems like it was only yesterday that we were all welcoming the new year and now it’s already the second month of 2017. A lot has happened already in the first month of 2017. I’m 28 weeks along, more than halfway through my pregnancy and…
Goodbye 2016
Over the past few days, I keep seeing posts on Facebook that talk about how much 2016 sucked. There were definitely some sad and appalling things that happened this year, especially considering media-wise and politically. But it wasn’t all bad! At least not for me. A year feels like so long, but it can go…
Things No One Tells You About Pregnancy
Being pregnant is an amazing feeling. Once I got past the first trimester and when my belly slowly, but surely started to come in, things started to finally sink in. I’m going to be a mom! There’s an actual human being inside of me! One that has to come out eventually! Eek! It’s definitely equal…
Hello December
Hey guys! Remember me? I know, it’s been 2 months since my last post and it might seem like I’ve fallen off the face of the Earth. But I assure you, I haven’t. I’ve been busy, but not busy in just any old sense. I’ve got a baby on the way! Lol. This is not…