So I just recently finished reading a teen book on beauty and how young girls are pressured to look a certain way. It was a great topic for a book and the author made some interesting points about the way girls from such a young age are forced into this particular mindset. But after finishing…
Review: The Queen of the Tearling
Princess Kelsea Raleigh has grown up in a small cottage on the outskirts of her kingdom her whole life, sheltered by her foster parents after the murder of her mother. But at 19, Kelsea is taken by the Queen’s Guard, who arrives on her doorstep to return her to her throne. And so Kelsea begins…
Hate Mail
It’s been about 3 years since I started this blog, and in that time I’ve received a few nasty comments. Some comments have critiqued my opinions, some my writing style, while some have critiqued me personally. Because of how few and far between these comments have been, every time I received one, it hurt. But…
Ramadan Ramblings
Every year, around this time, I am always struck by fact that I spend a lot of time eating, thinking about food, or preparing food. After taking food out of my day, I often spend the first few days of Ramadan floundering around, unsure of what to do without myself on the days when I…
Recipe: Chocolate Lovers Cupcakes
Apologies in advance to my Muslim brothers and sisters who are fasting! Hope you can forgive me 😛 As excited as I usually am about Ramadan, it always takes a few days to get into the groove of things again. Ramadan just has its own schedule and flavour, and it does take our bodies a few…