It’s been more than a week since Eid, but I still haven’t caught up with all my work yet. Whenever Eid happens in the week, it takes about a week for the excitement to finish, because there’s just so many family parties and gatherings going on that seem to last forever! I became super lazy…
Friday Things
Hello friends! So it feels like it’s been awhile since I’ve done a Friday Things post so I figured it’s time to catch up with you all š It was Eid this past Monday, and so I’m still recovering from all the excitement and joy that comes from the holiday. Every year, it takes me…
Recipe: Brownie Chocolate Chip Cookies and Eid Eats
Hello friends! Today I’m participating in an online Eid party, hosted by the lovely Sarah at Flour and SpiceĀ and Asiya at Chocolate and Chillies. Several weeks ago Sarah emailed me to ask if I would like to join in the virtual Eid party she was hosting online, and I said yes right away! Ever since…
Dreamer, not Doer
There is a problem, you see With having too many dreams The sky is alight with birds and planes But you are down below, with too many thoughts in your brain They are boulders in your pockets, birds in your head They weigh you down, and never let you get ahead One was enough, two…
Meeting Morgan Rhodes
For those of you who follow me on instagram, you might already have seen a preview of this post. But I’m here to tell you exactly how I met Morgan Rhodes, bestselling author of theĀ Falling KingdomĀ series! About 2 weeks ago, I was sitting in the backroom at work on my phone when I saw that…