Hello friends! So it’s been awhile sine I’ve done a proper update and I kind of feel bad. There’s been a lot going on, and I haven’t really been able to blog about it. Things have just been so crazy! But I’m hoping to get back into a routine soon so that I can get…
Baking Cheat Sheets
As someone who loves to bake, I’m a big fan of little tips and tricks that make it even easier. Unlike cooking, baking is an exact art and you will most likely notice if you put one teaspoon or two teaspoons of baking soda or sugar, etc. into a recipe. That’s why I love baking…
Recipe: Easy Naan Pizza
Hello friends! So I don’t exactly have anything ground breaking new recipe to share with you guys today. Instead, it’s a simple and easy recipe that’s been a go-to favourite in my family for years. I’ve taken numerous instagram pics of my favourite naan pizzas, and I decided to finally share it with you guys…
Hello July
Hello friends! First of all, apologies for the long delay in posting! It’s been almost a month since my last post…yikes! I have no idea how that happened, time just ran away with me. Sorry! Life’s been quite hectic over the past few weeks that I barely had time to check my facebook or email,…
Introducing Sweet Story
Hello friends! So I’ve got something really exciting to share with you all today. I would like to introduce you to my little home bakery: Sweet Story! As many of you on here know, I love baking, and naturally opening my own bakery has been on my mind for quite some time. Sweet Story was…