Sydney’s older brother, Peyton, has always been the star of the family. Even after he gets into an accident, leaves a young boy paralysed, and gets himself arrested, Peyton is all her parents can talk about. Sydney feels adrift in her family and insists on switching schools, in hopes of finding a new place for…
Girl Eat World
So I’ve just finished marathoning my latest obsession on Netflix, a 10 episode documentary on food and travel called Girl Eat World, and just had to share how awesome it was! If you love food or travel or BOTH this is the show for you. It beautifully combines both to deliver a fun, clever, and…
Recipe: Tomato Basil Soup
Fall is finally here! After summer had an extended stay well into September and even October, the cool weather has finally arrived. I don’t mind Fall. Obviously I prefer Summer, but even I know that Fall is a much better companion than it’s purely evil sister, Winter. So yeah, I’ll take those chilly mornings, crisp air,…
Friday Things
Hello friends. How are you all doing? It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Friday Things post so I thought it was time! The past few weeks have been extremely difficult for me as my eldest mamu (mom’s brother) passed away. He had cancer and had had 2 strokes recently. No one close to me…
Growing Up
Unlike the popular movies And the Shakespearean plays Growing up doesn’t happen in a trice It doesn’t give you wings Or make you fly It’s not a magic number that you reach That ends sweet childhood And ushers in ugly adulthood But rather a phase, a pattern A series of life-changing events It happens gradually…