For those of you who follow me on instagram, you might already have seen a preview of this post. But I’m here to tell you exactly how I met Morgan Rhodes, bestselling author of the Falling Kingdom series! About 2 weeks ago, I was sitting in the backroom at work on my phone when I saw that…
Category: Book Banter
The Lack of Coloured People in Teen Fiction
So I just recently finished reading a teen book on beauty and how young girls are pressured to look a certain way. It was a great topic for a book and the author made some interesting points about the way girls from such a young age are forced into this particular mindset. But after finishing…
Summer Reading List
So I’ve sort of fallen off the reading wagon this year. As my Goodreads goal reminds me so often, I am so behind! My school schedule allowed for limited reading this year, and I struggled with finding books that I really loved earlier in the year which caused me to fall behind as well. But…
Reasons I Hate My Job
Sometimes I just hate my job. For those of you who don’t know, I work as a shelver at Chapters. So for starters, I’m surrounded by books all day. It sounds amazing, right? Wrong! It might be amazing sometimes, but when the books start calling your name and whispering to you to pick them and…
Book Haul
I don’t usually buy a lot of books, but sometimes I get into a mood and go on a book-buying spree! Luckily I received a gift card from Chapters early this month which was perfect since I was just in the mood to buy some books… Let’s start at the bottom, shall we? RED RISING So…