So I finished writing the first draft of my work in progress this week. No big deal.
You’d think I’d be excited to finally finish it, or even sad that it was all over, but instead I just felt…empty. I was expecting some sort of intense emotion, like the overwhelming excitement I had when I finished my two previous manuscripts, but instead I felt like something was missing. The ending wasn’t how I imagined it, the story had changed along the way. But I think that just might be the annoying perfectionist inside of me talking…
Now that I’ve finally finished writing (a lot sooner than I anticipated- yay!), my fingers are itching to get back in and tweak everything. There were so many more things I wanted to include, but since the first draft currently sits at a whopping 119,000 words, I figure I shouldn’t add in anything else, not until I take some other stuff out.
And even though I refuse to let anyone see it until I edit it a few times, a part of me can’t wait to share the story with my friends and family. But before I can even start editing it, I actually have to turn my attention back to other things in my life that I’ve neglected for the past month and a half, like applications for grad programs, which are due in a month. Someone shoot me, please? x_x
But it’s hard because I keep getting these rushes of ideas and fragments of thoughts that I want to go back in and add. After December 12th, I tell myself!
You know what’s not hard? These vanilla sprinkle cupcakes! I used to always think frosting cupcakes was so complicated, and something that only the select few, those with magical hands, could do. But then I bought myself a new Wilton’s tip and my whole life changed…
Okay, maybe not really, but I was so pleased with the end result, I couldn’t stop taking pictures of them and forcing my family to ooh and ahh over them. Lol. Oh and the cupcakes themselves? Super moist and soft and simple to make! Check them out 🙂
I made these last weekend for Eid, since I wanted something festive and colourful. Feel free to add food colouring to your frosting to jazz it up, and also some extra sprinkles on top for some fun. These also taste good plain, without the sprinkles as well!
I loved them so much that I think I’ll make them again, for a congratulations-you-finished-the-first-draft-off-your-manuscript party, which naturally I’m throwing myself. For myself. If there is such a thing. 🙂
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Thanks for reading,
they turned out beautiful!