Hello friends! Happy International Women’s Day! Since it is women’s day, I figured it’d be fitting to do a post on some of my favourite female protagonists, from a variety of genres, all the ones that kick butt and are just pure awesome. So let’s get started! Come on, you knew Miss Hermione Granger was…
Tag: this dark endevour
Review: This Dark Endeavour
The delicious This Dark Endeavour by Kenneth Oppel is a retelling of the classic Frankenstein story, by Mary Shelley. It tells the story of 16-year old twin brothers, Victor and Konrad, who are adventurers and mischief-makers. They live with their family, the Frankensteins, and their cousin Elizabeth in Frankenstein Chateau, in the city of Geneva. When Konrad…
Book Bonanza
Hi! I just wanted to post a quick post about the books I bought/received from the library this week, because I got a lot. So yesterday I went to Chapters and bought 2 books, one that I’ve heard so many good things about and the other that I’ve been waiting for awhile (you might be able…