My heart it beats. It beats a rhythmic drum, as it crawls up my chest and suffocates my throat. I am drowning in thoughts, plunging headfirst into longings and desires and questions. I am floating in waves of anxiety, which beat against the walls of my stomach, crying out hallow cries to my heart, who…
Tag: poetry
Not really a poem, but a series of scattered thoughts as I try to overcome the beast known as Writer’s Block… The path is white, open and leery With all your might, lift up the sword That gives you the power. Fingers poised, a cacophony of keys
Poetry Palooza: A Letter to a Boy
A letter to a boy:
Dear boy who I am waiting for,
You may have forgotten
Those telepathic messages
I’ve sent over the years
So this a reminder
Of all those dang tears
Remember: we were all made in pairs
So you must be somewhere out there
Waiting for me
Wherever in the world you are
Whoever in the world you may be
This letter is