Without You

The hole grows bigger
Grows into a cave
One that sucks all the light

They say it won’t last forever
That the hole will grow smaller
Will disappear once we’re together again

But right now all I know is this emptiness
This feeling of being incomplete
Without you

It starts off small
With a fleeting thought
That tugs on my heart strings

There are no memories of you here
This place has never known you
But still you are everywhere

Because the sky is smaller
The stars are darker
Without you

Mundane moments
Flash before my eyes
Moments that just passed me by

Driving along dark empty roads
With the ocean beating on the sides
With a sky full of stars and a car full of your scent

Each hour is a mountain to be climbed
Each day is an elephant to be wrestled
Without you

I remember seeing your face upon waking
Thinking that I’m dreaming
To be so lucky

Feeling your fingers laced through mine
Squeezing them
Never wanting to let go

I can’t breathe, can’t sleep, can’t eat
Simply can’t be
Without you

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