Hello friends!
How are you all? Hope you’re having a lovely day. π
It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Friday Things post, just chit chatting so I thought today was the perfect day because it’s my first day off in ages!
I finished my internship yesterday which was a part of my teacher’s college program which means that I’m DONE! Yup, I’m officially done teacher’s college and all that’s left is the official degree, which I’ll be getting at convocation sometime in June.
It feels so weird to be done; it hasn’t quite sunk in yet to me yet. It felt so weird sleeping in this morning (only by an hour of course -_-) and not rushing for the bus and train to downtown. But freedom won’t last long, since I have work tomorrow so it’s back to business!
But things will be a little bit different, since I’ve recently switched positions at work and will be doing a different job. For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been working at Chapters, a Canadian bookstore, for the past year and a bit, as a shelver and will be switching to a sales associate in the kids’ department. I am so excited because I love recommending books, especially in the kids and teen department and I’m stoked that it’ll be my job! I’ll still shelve occasionally but I actually get to interact with customers, instead of being the invisible elf. Can’t wait!
I also got in the kitchen today to make a new recipe. It’s been ages since I’ve made anything, so I can’t wait to share the recipe with you all. Hint: they’re cookies!
I also recently started a Summer Food Bucket List board on Pinterest, filled with all the things I’ve pinned over the months but have never made, mostly because the recipes have gotten buried! So I went through all my food boards a week ago and looked for all the things I’m dying to make now that I’m done school, both sweet and savoury. So I’m going to start making more new things and will be sharing more recipes with you guys.
In terms of reading, I have been in a book funk. I’ve been readingΒ The Lies of Locke Lamora over the past few weeks but I’ve pretty much abandoned it. It just didn’t grab my attention, which sucks because I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. I was forcing myself to continue over the past week because I bought it and I hate not finishing books that I own so I tried to finish it, but I think I’ve truly given up now. π
Some of you might have noticed that I’ve slacked on blogging here, and I have to admit that it’s true. I’ve been so busy with trying to get the other blog going that I’ve been feeling a bit blocked on what to post here. I wasn’t baking anything either and nor had I read anything good, which led to a severe lack of blogging.
But I promise to remedy this. I’ve got some ideas on new recipes I want to make and share, as well as some news I’d like to share π So stay tuned!
Thanks for reading,
congrats again! on to even more exciting things inshAllah π
Thank you! <3