When people ask me about wearing hijab and what it’s like, they often end off with saying, “Well at least you get to cover up your bad hair days.”
Well, let me tell you, I might be able to cover up bad hair days, but sometimes it’s even worse: bad hijab days!
So exactly does this phenomenon work exactly? It’s not like you’re dealing with real live (well dead) hair. It’s just fabric, right? What could possibly go wrong?
Fabric can be a little more pliable than hair, but sometimes I swear it has a life of it’s own. For example, I have used the same scarves countless times yet some days, it’s as if that particular scarf develops an attitude problem and refuses to be bent and twisted in certain ways. It lies limply on my head giving me the illusion of flat, small head. It’s the worst.
Other times, it’s as if I’m trying to wrestle with the fabric. It refuses to fold over or get pinned in certain places and by the end of it my arms are sore from all the twisting and turning. It honestly makes me think of a wrestling match, and half the time I’m losing!
Sometimes there’s just too much fabric. And it seems like the scarf is eating up my face.
Other times there’s just not enough fabric. And I’m constantly tugging and pulling to get enough coverage.
Sometimes when my hair is wet, my bun is lower and closer to the nape of my neck. This results in fabric bunched closer around the neck which gives the illusion that I have no neck. -_-
Other times when my hair is flat and lifeless, my scarf senses this and similarly flattens against my head, ignoring all attempts I do try and add more volume.
So for those who think wearing hijab gives reprieve from bad hair days, it doesn’t! It only gives you another bad grooming day: bad hijab days!
Thanks for reading,
huh! I hear you there, bad hijab days INDEED!