So I’ve been meaning to write this post all day, and only now at 10:50 do I have the chance. But better later than never, right?
I’ve been thinking to make ‘Friday Things’ into a regular post, every other Friday, with just some general news and chit-chat. Not sure if I’ll be able to keep to it, since life certainly keeps getting busier, but I’m going to try!
So I just spent the better part of the day baking. If there’s anything I love more than baking, it’s baking with a purpose! It’s my cousin’s dholki party tomorrow (basically a party with lots of singing and dancing in the South Asian culture), and I promised my aunt, the groom’s mother, that I’d bake up some cupcakes. Little did I know that I’d be baking 48 of them!
The ones on the right are mini cheesecakes, while the ones are the left are Chocolate Buttermilk cupcakes, sans frosting. The frosting I made for them is a salted caramel one, and OMG guys, it’s probably the best thing I’ve ever eaten! I know I say this a lot, given how many food-related posts I do, but seriously…NO WORDS. I can’t wait to share it with you all!
In writing news…there is no news. Preparing for my cousin’s wedding, for which there is only one month until, has slowly taken over my life, and I haven’t had a spare moment to begin writing or even finish brainstorming. A few weeks ago, I was constantly thinking about my newest project, trying to come up with new ideas, but now I’m so tired that as soon as my head hits the pillow, I’m out.
Speaking of falling asleep really quickly, I hardly have time to read at night now, since I’m out like a light so quickly. I’ve also tried to take the pressure off reading as well.
Before Goodreads, I’d read for pleasure. There was no race; I was (and am) a fast reader, but if a book was going slowly and I was enjoying it, then I’d take my time.
But now, especially lately, I’m finding myself stressed out by my GR’s book challenge and how behind I am. If a book is taking me more than 3 days to finish, I want to abandon it to move onto something that I’ll finish faster so I’ll complete my goal. But this is leading to a lot more abandoned books tham I would like, so I’m trying to just take my time with the books I want to read and ignore GR.
I know, it’s such a silly problem to be concerned with, but I can’t help with think about it. Except now, I’m trying not to care so much. Let’s see how it goes…
I’m currently reading City of a Thousand Dolls, which has an interesting concept, but the exposition is quite slow and languorous. I’m hoping it picks up soon though, especially since I went on a little book buying spree recently (if you can call 3 books a spree that is…). Lol.
After reading and really enjoying An Abundance of Katherines recently, I decided to give John Green another try and bought two of his books: Paper Towns and Looking for Alaska. My brother finished Paper Towns in a day (and he’s not really a reader), so I’m even more pumped to read it now!
The third book I got is actually a Middle Grade novel (don’t judge!), called School for Good and Evil. I heard of it a few weeks ago and got intrigued by the creepy and awesome trailer and bought myself a copy. 😀 I love fairy tales, especially re-imaginings, so I’m eager to see how this one plays out.
The weather here in Toronto has been so crazy this week! The other day it was well above 30 degrees C (with the humidex), and then today when I woke up to go to work this morning it was -4!! It felt a lot more like Fall, approaching Winter than Spring approaching Summer, especially since when I came home tonight all I want to do was curl up by the fireplace. -_-
All right, it’s almost 11:30 now, so I figure I should post this while it’s still Friday. 😛
I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! 🙂
Thanks for reading,
I’ve had John Green’s books on my to-read list for quite a while now. Hope to get around ‘Paper Towns’ somewhere during the summer. As for Goodreads, a book that takes you longer than 3 days is long for you? I wish I could finish a book in three days, that doesn’t happen a lot to me 😉 But yeah, if it stresses you out try to put the Goodreads challenge aside
Hahaha yeah, I normally finish books super fast so 3 days is long! And yeah I’m going to try and ignore GR for awhile and just read for pleasure 🙂
Hi, how did your running plan workout did you get to your goal ? I recall because we both started working out at the same time, I too cant run to save my life either so began a plan doing fast walking on a treadmill while watching tv and aim to do 30km a week
Enjoy the wedding !
Hi Azra! My running plan is going slowly, but I’m hoping to reach my goal by the end of the month hopefully. Thanks for your visiting! 🙂
Ohhh The School of Good and Evil looks interesting! I can’t wait to hear what you think about that one! And GR has made me a stressed reader too… mostly because I see how many awesome looking books there are out there that I want to read but don’t have the time to!
Yeah, there are SO many books out there that I know I won’t ever have time to read! Gaaah! -_-