Some books I CAN’T wait to read!

So this year there’s a lot of cool books come out. And of course they’re YA, what else would they be?!

Ok, I admit I need to graduate from the YA genre, but I can’t seem to help myself. There’s just so many good (sounding) books coming out, I just keep getting pulled back in.

The Book of Blood and Shadow

This is getting soย many great reviews on Goodreads, I just can’t wait to read it! Also, can you see the castle/outline of a building in her pupil? Inter-esting. This one’s about a girl who’s following a trail a blood to try and solve a mystery of who killed her friends. It also takes place in Prague, which I am super excited to ‘visit’!

Shadow and Bone (The Grisha, #1)

This is the one I am mostย excited for. Its another one receiving rave reviews, and I’m absolutely in love with the cover. When people try to describe it, they have a hard time, saying, you have to read it. Its about a girl who’s taken away from everything she knows, and taken to the royal court, where she had to train to be a Grisha, a magical elite group. Obviously shenanigans- and love- ensue. My description is horrible, so don’t just trust me, and click the cover! Speaking of the cover, it is absolutely gorgeous, and it reminds me of Russia. The only thing that sucks about this is the June release. ๐Ÿ™

The Last Princess

This one is described as a mixture of fairy-tales and dystopia, which sounds a bit weird, but kinda cool too. It also takes place in England, which everyone knows I’m so fond of. It also reminds me a bit of of Anastasia, the movie and the story, since its about a princess that barely manages to escape the turmoil of her country with her life.

In other news, this week hasn’t been such a great writing one, unfortunately. I’ve been feeling distracted a lot, and so have been wasting a lot of time perusing the internet, instead of writing.

It doesn’t help that I discovered these deliciousย food blogs. Caution: only click on these links if you have HOURS to spare and don’t mind your drool falling into your lap. Just sayin’.

*These images are not mine and belong to the ladies who own these blogs.*

Anywho, I just came back from a DELICIOUS dinner at Red Lobster with my family (thanks mama bear and papa bear) and am only lamenting at how I never got to have desert. Sometimes a little good food does a lot to cheer you up. ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks for reading,


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  1. Natalie says:

    I just heard about The Last Princess today! It sounds fabulous! I’m definitely adding it to my to-read pile! I haven’t heard of the other two though, but the covers are gorgeous! I’m going to go over and check them out on Goodreads now! Thanks for the recommendations ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Hayley @ The Domestic Rebel says:

    I’m SO glad you feature YA books because I, too, am stuck in YA-Land at Barnes & Noble. Adult books look so boring; sue me. Bring on the teenage romance!! I plan on going to the bookstore this weekend to pick up Hunger Games (uhhh I was last on the bandwagon) and I’ll be sure to check these out if they have ’em! And of course, thank you for the feature!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Ikhlas says:

      Hahaha, yeah I keep telling myself to ‘grow up’ in my best adult voice and to venture into the land of adult books, but YA always sucks me back in!
      Oooh, I really hope you like The Hunger Games ๐Ÿ˜€ One of my all-time favourites. ๐Ÿ˜€
      And no problem! I’ll be making those homemade pop-tarts this weekend so you’ll be featured again! ๐Ÿ™‚
      Thanks for coming to check out my blog.

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