In My Mailbox

Hi everyone!

So I got a whole whack of books this week from the library, not to mention a few that I still have leftover from last week. I’m still moving along slowly with Entwined, but when I’m not reading it, I don’t exactly itch to get back to it.

Anyway, here are the books I picked up this week:


Choker has been described as super creepy, and since you don’t really get creepy in the YA genre (paranormal doesn’t often count), I am really excited to dive into this one.

The Dark Divine (The Dark Divine, #1)

I hadn’t heard of this series until very recently, but the reviews sounded good so I decided to check the first one out. Its described as being paranormal YA, but apparently it also retains a dash of realism. We will see if this claim is true…

Hunger (Riders of the Apocalypse, #1)

Another new series on my radar; the reviews made me want to check it out, but I’m not sure if I’ll end up reading this, since its at the bottom of my to-read list in the books I got this week.


I’ve read some amazing reviews of this one, and so am eager to see if they match up with the book. Its told through flashbacks, as the protagonist remembers things from the past as she stands in court, on trial for the murder of her murder.

Unwind (Unwind, #1)

Another dystopian read, but one that focuses on reproductive rights. Unwind is another book I’ve heard great things about.

The Sky Is Everywhere

Lastly, The Sky is Everywhere is my contemporary read of this week. It was the one I was most excited about, since I devoured it in a day! It tells the story of Lennie Walker who’s trying to cope with the sudden death of her sister, as she struggles to define herself in the absence of the person who gave her definition. And of course, there’s boys involved. ^_^ Look out for my review of this one soon. 🙂

Anywho, that’s pretty much it! I’ve been trying to focus on my own writing for the past few days, so my reading has slowed down a bit, but with this stack of books, I’m eager to dive back in!

Thanks for reading.

‘Till next time,


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